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About me

My companion animals

My name is Erin Rose Holland. I am a home educated girl living in the UK. I am passionate about life in all its forms and I have many hobbies including self-sufficiency, art, chicken keeping, up cycling, forest gardening and healthy cooking. The purpose of my blog is so that I can have a voice on the internet and, hopefully, people will hear me and listen.

Fun (but random) facts about me...

My favourite trees: Hazel and Birch

Favourite vegetable: garlic chives or okra

Favourite fruit: Persimmons or lychees

Favourite food: Vegetable curry

Favourite colour: Teal-Turquoise 

Favourite drink: Vodka. Only kidding! Of course it's water!

Favourite smell: Rooster's feathers - they smell like biscuits!

Favourite book genre: animal fantasy

Incorrect things people  believe about me: That I'm vegan, That I'm into fashion, that I sit down all day, that I own/use a phone, that I lie in, that I moisturise my face. 

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