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This is my blog about everything sustainability, plants, animals, upcycling and healthy food!

How am I doing?

I have decided to have this week's post as a request for my readers to give me some feedback about my blogging (to help me get better at...

Easy steps to become more self-sufficient

Before getting on with this post I would like to mention that today is our cockatiel Ira's 6th birthday! So, happy birthday Ira-bird!...

I'm dreaming of a green Christmas...

Christmas is meant to be a time of goodwill to all. But often it seems like the time of year when environmental problems and human...

Meet the ducks!

Nettles are awesome!

Stinging nettles are not very popular, due to their stinging defence and because they can be invasive in gardens. But here are some...

My favourite salad dressing recipes

This is a post I published a while ago that I have decided to cycle to encourage people to be healthier during Christmas. I have added a...

Foods that cause deforestation

Humans tend to have a huge greed for some foods, even chopping down all the rainforests for it, destroying animal habitat and...


"Hug a tree. They have less issues than people" Unknown

"Be the person your dog thinks you are." Unknown

"As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat!" Unknown

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