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This is my blog about everything sustainability, plants, animals, up-cycling and more!

Writer's pictureErin Rose Holland

DIY Rose hair conditioner and skin moisturiser recipe

Conventional cosmetics are full of nasties - Palm oil is in almost all cosmetics (look for its alternative names) and causes loads of deforestation in south-east Asia. Parfum or fragrance is an additive used to give products an indulgent scent; manufacturers don't have to disclose whats in it and it can cause allergic reactions... Some of the chemicals in parfum are also hormone disrupters! Microplastic beads are banned in rinse-off products in the uk, but may still be in non-rinse-off products, and I don't know what the rules are like in other countries. This is just to name a few nasty ingredients. Many companies use terms such as "99% natural", "created by nature" or "sustainable ingredients" to lure in the more environmental and health-minded, But they are often just as bad (and, to top it off, they often cost more).

This is why I am telling you how I make my 2-ingredient hair conditioner and skin moisturiser. It's my own invention, but I was inspired by a few online articles, and a visit to a Tudor re-enactment fair. So here goes...

You will need:

  • A jar of extra-virgin coconut oil (you can get this with your normal shop) Coconut oil is an excellent natural moisturiser

  • Some freshly picked rose petals - for the scent and extra moisturising properties (if you cannot get these, you could try something else that is a natural moisturiser, or buy rose essential oil and add it in very dilute quantities.


  • Pick some rose petals

  • Make a well in the coconut oil and put the rose petals in the well

  • Cover the petals with the oil and leave for a couple of days

  • Evenly mix the oil-petal mixture

  • Now you're done! It really is that simple!

To use this mix as a skin moisturiser, simply rub it on dry skin with your fingers (you could even use it as a lip balm!) and help dry hair ends by gently rubbing a tiny amount through the hair (don't wet the hair with water first).

Note; the rose petals may go mouldy after a while. to prevent this, you can either keep them well submersed in the oil (coconut oil contains lauric acid which is antibacterial). or pick them out after a week or two.

You can also help your skin and hair stay nice by drinking lots of water!

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