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This is my blog about everything sustainability, plants, animals, up-cycling and more!

Writer's pictureErin Rose Holland

Don't throw your banana peels in the bin! Here are some things you can do with them instead!

As a family, we eat lots of bananas! That means lots of peels! We always put them in our compost bin, so they don't exactly go to waste... but I would like to try some of these ideas out one day...

  • Making someone slip - Just kidding! Mwa ha ha!

  • Garden fertiliser - Banana peels are full of potassium which is a very good nutrient for plants. Put them in your compost bin; chop and add to soil; put dried on the base of plants; or soak them in a jar with water for a week and use the water on your plants (of course, the peels are fine to compost afterwards) . You could do all this for your houseplants as well as outdoor plants!!

  • Aphid deterrent - Aphids purportedly hate banana peels. If you have a plant that aphids predate on, why not put some banana peels on or near them?

  • Polish house plant leaves - Large-leaved houseplants accumulate lots of dust on their leaves which makes them look less attractive and lessens their ability to purify the air. Rub the inner side of a banana peel onto your plant leaves. Personally I wouldn't compost the peels after this, due to the accumulation of micro plastics on houseplant leaves.

  • Polish shoes - Similar to polishing house plant leaves.

  • Polish silverware - Blend banana skins with water, rub the paste on your silverware, then wipe off with a cloth.

  • Tooth whitener - Rub the inside of a banana peel on your teeth no more than daily. It is said to remove stains on your teeth without damaging enamel.

  • Good for your skin - The inside of a banana peel is said to soothe dry or itchy skin, remove warts or acne, smooth out wrinkles and help splinters come out!

  • Doodling - If you gently score a banana peel with a stick or your fingernail, for some reason it turns brown after a while. You could really do something cool with that!

  • Repair scratched CDs - Rubbing the inside of a banana peel on an old, scratched CD is said to repair them.

  • Ripening fruits - Bananas release a gas called ethylene, which makes fruits ripen faster.

  • To tenderise meat - Place the insides of banana peels on your meat to stop it going dry.

  • Tea - Said to improve your mood and sleep.

  • Eat them - I have read banana peels are edible!


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