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This is my blog about everything sustainability, plants, animals, up-cycling and more!

Writer's pictureErin Rose Holland

Reasons to LOVE Foxes!

Updated: Mar 22, 2021

Foxes are given a bad reputation all too often - but truthfully, they are really beautiful creatures.

Foxes do NOT kill for fun!

Farmers often complain that a Fox has killed all his chickens, and only eaten one. The truth, however is that the fox, on finding an abundance of food just waiting there for them, simply cannot believe its luck! They will kill them all, take one away with them, and return to collect them all, one at a time. Some advice for chicken owners: If you look after your chickens' home adequately, nothing will get them. Badgers, Stoats and Red kites might also take your chickens. So please do not blame the local vixen! Also, hanging dead foxes everywhere is NOT a successful way to guard your livestock! Shooting the foxes does no good either because more will just move into their territory.

Foxes are NOT dangerous!

Some people may worry about being attacked by a fox. This is a ridiculous idea! In Britain, you are around 600 times more likely to be bitten by a dog, and around 62 times more likely to be bitten by a human! Don't worry about their size either, they are about the size of a gigantic cat. About cats; foxes rarely attack cats. It was once though that they did as cat remains were found in earths, but further investigation revealed that the cats were roadkill that the foxes had picked up. Note: Foxes cannot bare their teeth.

The red fox is an invasive species, but it's ALL OUR FAULT!

In Australia, red foxes were realeased for hunting. This has driven many native Australian species to near extinction, and all for the sake of Human pleasure! The red fox is also displacing the arctic fox, as, due to climate change, the red fox is able to live in the arctic fox's home.


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