Owls possibly have the most wrong reputation of any living creature, but I am debunking those myths!
Myth No.1
"Ah, owls; look at their big eyes, surely they MUST be wise?"
All animals are wise - but people seem to think that owls are especially intelligent because they have big eyes. If anything, big eyes make an animal less intelligent because they take up more room in their skull, leaving less room for their brain.
Myth No.2
"So, if Owls have such big eyes, would they use them for night-vision, as Owls are Nocturnal?"
Only around a third of Owls are Nocturnal (hunts at night). An Owl's eyes are a brief guide for when it hunts; dark eyes usually represent a Nocturnal Owl; yellow is for a Diurnal (daytime) Owl; and orange normally means the Owl is Crepuscular (hunts during dawn and dusk). However, as with many rules, there are exceptions, and, really, an Owl will eat when it is hungry.
Myth No.3
"Owls go 'tuwit tawoo!'"
Only one Owl makes a call like this - the Tawny Owl; and it is actually the male hooting, and the female making a "ke-wick" call. Owls make a wide variety of noises, like screeches or hisses.