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This is my blog about everything sustainability, plants, animals, up-cycling and more!

Writer's pictureErin Rose Holland

Things you can do with a colander

As part of my 'upcycling and diy' blog, I thought it would be fun to list all the alternative things that can be done with a colander! Just in case you (or maybe us!) come across loads of secondhand colanders this will be an article to help!

  • Storage bowl - Of course, don't store liquids in it! To save space, you could hang it on its handles. I think this would make a good fruit bowl.

  • Carrying basket - Use as a basket to collect groceries, or food you might be foraging.

  • Grater - Hold upside down and rub whatever you want to grate along the holes. I think this would actually work better than an actual grater!

  • Something to hold food - An upside-down colander can be used to hold food that is on a stick, like pop cakes or skewered veg.

  • Slush-free ice bucket - Put a container under a colander and add your ice to the colander.

  • Fancy dress hat - Like, if you're dressing up as a robot, or something!

  • Lampshade - OOOh! Gorgeous!

  • Clock - Add a mechanism through one of the holes.

  • Windchime - Put the colander upside-down and tie string attached to sticks or bamboo canes through the holes.

  • Hanging basket - Comes with ready-made drainage and handles! You could even add a windchime to the bottom!

  • Alpine colander - Stick houseleeks through the holes so they grow through the holes!


Any more ideas? Please contact me!


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