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This is my blog about everything sustainability, plants, animals, up-cycling and more!

Writer's pictureErin Rose Holland

Tips for a more sustainable Dog!

Updated: Apr 8, 2021

If you're a dog-lover and an earth-lover (and I'm sure there are many of us out there!), here are some tips for you! ;)

A smaller breed

If you are wanting to get a dog and haven't set your mind on a particular breed (or mixed breed), just bear in mind that smaller breeds need less food. This makes them a little more sustainable and cheaper to look after.

A rescue dog

Getting a dog from a rescue centre means you are finding a home for an unwanted pet, and you can be sure you are not supporting puppy farms!

Natural leads and collars

There are companies out there that make organic/upcycled collars and leads. Of course, use what you've got first!

Up-cycled bowls

Again, use what you've already got, but if your dog needs a new bowl, you don't necessarily need to buy a new one! Your own ceramic or glass bowls, metal saucepans, large pickle jars, and coconut shells are all things I think would make good dog bowls.

Eco friendly dog beds

Why not make your dog a bed out of pallets, or a barrel? Get inventive! For the cushion of the bed, you could use old duvets, old pillows or cushions, pillowcases, charity shop clothes, or sew your own cushions out of an organic fabric and fill with real sheep's wool, or shredded, soft plastic wrappers - or maybe rice hulls might possibly work?

Bottle toy

Old plastic bottles make great toys for dogs and they love them!

Re-used poo bags

Try using old plastic bags to pick up your dog's poos! And while we're at the subject of dog poo; maybe you could look into composting it? It can be done, you just have to be careful about pathogens.

Re-cycling their fur

If you have a long-furred dog, you can brush their undercoat out (probably best to do this when they are moulting) and use it for spinning and felting. Some people make husky fur jumpers! This would probably also work with curly, non shedding breeds such as poodles, by saving the fur when they get clipped.

NOTE: If you want to make your dog more eco-friendly, you might consider giving it a vegan diet. DON'T! Dogs are carnivores and are adapted to live mostly off meat! We used to know some people who fed their dog on a vegan diet, and they said its poos were green and slimy - eww! If you have such a bad issue with meat, you shouldn't have a carnivore as a pet!


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