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This is my blog about everything sustainability, plants, animals, up-cycling and more!

Writer's pictureErin Rose Holland

Upcycled planter ideas!

Many people do not have any soil to grow plants in; or they have a very small garden and must make all the space count; or they need something to start seeds in. This is where planters come in! And why not try some of my upcycled planter ideas?

  • Old plastic pots - You can get unwanted black plastic plant pots at a garden centre for free. They're not very pretty - but why not beautify them by wrapping them in burlap, moss (use lots of string to secure the moss) or twigs?

  • Secondhand ceramic plant pots - Get searching! Just bear in mind that they may not be frost proof.

  • Glass jars - I love glass jars! Not for outdoors, though, unless you drill drainage holes. I have an article specifically on glass jars here somewhere! Why not try drinking glasses too?

  • Bean tins - Same concept as a glass jar, however it's easier to punch drainage holes with a nail. Why not decorate them by wrapping them in burlap?

  • Fizzy drinks cans - Similar to a bean tin. You may want to cut the top metal off or leave it.

  • Eggshells - We have our own chickens and we give the shells back to them for their calcium supplement - but if you buy your eggs why not use the leftover shells as seed-starting pots?

  • Old ceramic bowls, mugs, teapots, glass bowls, drinking glasses - All of these can be bought cheap at a charity shop. Best for houseplants.

  • Old colander - Colanders have ready-made drainage! The handles mean you can use them for hanging baskets. Some people stuff houseleeks in the holes too!

  • Metal basket - To stop the soil falling out, line with burlap, coconut coir; or chicken wire and moss. Some people even tie two together and have a ball of growing plants!

  • Birdcage - Use the bottom to grow trailing plants.

  • Butler sink - A nice big container with built-in drainage.

  • Watering can - Just think what you could have growing out of the spout!

  • Wheelbarrow - An unpainted

metal wheelbarrow makes a large planter that is portable!

  • Chimney pots - These are bottomless so there is no need to add drainage; plus, the plant roots may eventually reach the water table!

  • Concrete pipes - Similar concept to chimney pots; only bigger and you could get one with sloping sides an add levels to your planter!

  • Bucket - Punch drainage in a metal bucket.

  • Half barrel - Cut a wooden barrel in half horizontally or vertically. You have two rustic planters!

  • Old oil drum - Cut like a wooden barrel. Be sure to wash it thoroughly!

  • Large log - Hollow out the inside. You might manage to grow mushrooms too!


Lots of these ideas can also be converted for use as a container pond! However, make sure animals can't drown in them!


Do you have any more ideas? If so, please contact me!


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