Venison, otherwise known as deer meat, is good for you and the planet! Wanna find out more? If so, read this article!
Many people are now aware of the environmental and animal welfare disaster that is commercial meat farming, and are looking for better alternatives, with some even boycotting animal products entirely. In this article, I am covering one such alternative - Venison.
Venison comes from the latin venari, meaning 'to hunt'. It was originally used to refer to the meat of any wild animal.
So, here are some reasons to eat Venison...
Restores natural balance - In the UK, you will notice that there are no wolves around. This is because we have killed them off. If wolves were still here, they would be maintaining the deer population, keeping the deer themselves healthy and balancing the ecosystem. However, because there are no wolves, it is our duty to restore the balance as well as we can. Of course, a better option would be to re-introduce wolves to the UK, but everyone thinks wolves are dangerous (not true, they rarely attack humans), and the idea of re-introducing wolves to the UK is a rather unpopular one. So until we change attitudes for good, deer have to be shot by humans whether we eat their meat or not.
Saves the trees - Deer browse on trees, causing damage to saplings and bark. Some must be shot in order to help the trees grow.
Helps nightingales - Eating venison means there will be less browsing pressure on the undergrowth, so there will be more vegetation for nightingales to nest in.
A healthier deer population - If deer numbers are allowed to increase unchecked, they may become prone to starvation and disease since they are prolific breeders.
Happy life - Because no humans are involved in the care of wild deer, you don't have to worry about how the people are treating them.
Not reared to kill - I don't know about you, but I think it's sad when a farmed animal is raised all its life for the sole purpose of being eaten.
Healthy - Venison is also healthy! It contains no antibiotics or medications, and lower calories but more protein than other meats. It's also meant to be more nutrient-dense.
The best deer meat in my opinion is from a Muntjac. This is because...
Muntjac are not native - Muntjac originate from China, not the UK. They are more invasive than other deer and they breed year-round.
If Muntjac have a stressful death, their meat is not good - When Muntjac are stressed before they die, their meat becomes bitter.
Muntjac meat is delicious - Muntjac meat tastes different from other deer species and arguably nicer!